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guinea socialism

21 13:51:30

my daughter was given  2 sweet pigs for her b-day..we interact with them everyday..I can see their different long until they will bond with us..and want us to hold and talk and play? they were 5weeks on sept22..I don't think they do not like us..just waiting for a bond..also do they need to be bathed? they seem reallt clean for a caged pet..thanks dk


Shadow and Gypsy
My giunea pigs still run and hide when they see me, wont let me pick them up regulary, and squirm while I hold them. Its been since April 12th! Dont expect a dog-human relashopship from a giunea pig. I promise that they do not and will never hate you, sweet lil things like that. Give them some time and chasing them for a hug... Exercise! Lol!

Bathing guinea pigs is optional, I do it for fun. Never bath them in the winter months, wait or a hot day in the summer or spring.