Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > what are some favorite toys of guniea pig

what are some favorite toys of guniea pig

21 14:46:15

what are some favorite toys of guniea pig? can you send some pictures of them.

Hello Danny.

I am not able to send pictures through this help site. I'm sorry. I can tell you some things though.

1. PVC pipe. This can be bought at any hardware store. Either you could ask them to cut a piece for you (about 6-7"), or there are premade pieces. This acts as a tunnel, or a sleeping area.

2. Empty toilet paper rolls filled with hay. Timothy hay is the best. A guinea pig favorite.

3. Bricks. I lay 2 side by side in the cage. My pigs like to climb it, or just lay on it. It's great in the summer as it can cool the pigs down.

4. Wooden chew toys.

5. Cardboard boxes. Just cut some entrance / exit holes and turn it upside down.

6. Empty oatmeal containers. Cut a hole in the bottom and it works like a tunnel.

7. Call balls. I use the kind that are plastic with the bell inside.

8. A piece of notebook paper. Plain with no writing on it. Make it into a ball and toss inside the cage. The pigs will chew on it which is okay for them.

9. Hidey holes.

10. Excercise balls. Not for them to run around in as it is very dangerous for them, but lay it on it's side and put a towel / bedding inside and it makes a good sleeping spot.

11. Childrens playing wooden building blocks.

12. Another guinea pig is the best toy as pigs can become lonely or bored without the company of other pigs.

Hope this helps.