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My guinea pig is loosing weight...

21 14:06:37

I've had my almost two year old female guinea pig for about 7 months now and I'm starting to notice that she is getting thinner. She is eating because I'm watching her but she just seems to be loosing to much weight. Is there any kind of food that I can feed her that will help her gain some weight?

If you're guinea pig is still eating regularly, which means, still eating pellets, still eating a lot of hay, and still eating her veggies, I would be concerned about the weight loss.  Many times, weight loss in guinea pigs can mean there is something wrong.  So you should definitely consult a veterinarian.  Make sure the vet knows about guinea pigs, so try to go to a small animal or exotic pet veterinarian.  You should be able to find one in your area in the phone book or online.

There is not really a food that you can feed to help plump the guinea pig up.  If you are not feeding vegetables, then feeding your guinea pig veggies on a daily basis will help put some weight on her.  She is too old for alfalfa hay, which is also higher in fat and protein, but it is also too high in calcium for a two year old guinea pig.

Once again, the food will not help if there is something wrong with the guinea pig, so please take her to the veterinarian.

Sorry that I couldn't be a ton of help, but this issue sounds like something that is out of my control, and that a veterinarian should deal with.  Good luck with the situation, your vet should be able to tell what is wrong, and I'm sure everything will work out.