Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guinee pig

guinee pig

21 14:06:37

Hello My Guinea Pig seems to have what i belive is a prolapsed rectum. It looks like part of his intestine is coming out of his rectum.
I have been trying to keep it moist and make him feel as comfortable as possible.
I cant afford to take him to the vet.
What should I do?

Hi Sharon

OK I have heard of this before there have been some bad cases of this and some that have ben resolved
If it is really bad then you will have to take it to a vet otherwise it will die
I also have heard of a antibiotic or ointment that you can buy and you just apply to the rectum
Other than that there is not much you can do but hope this works out
Keep it moist and it might slide back in but you can only hope it does

Good Luck