Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Trichofolliculoma


21 13:43:12

My guinea pig has a Tricofolliculoma (diagnosed by a vet). It is slightly open. The surgery is really expensive and I cannot afford it right now (I am unemployed). Is it any way that I can treat my pig or anything I could do to help it?

Thank you.

Trichofolliculoma is a benign lump with hair on it. Since it's benign (non cancerous) why would you spend the money to have it removed? If it were a malignant type thing that would be a different story, but for something that his basically harmless and actually just cosmetic there's no reason to worry about it.

It's extremely rare in guinea pigs. I think I would be tempted to ask for another opinion by a different vet. I would concerned that this may be a simple sebaceous cyst and not a trichofolliculoma. Even a sebaceous cyst is harmless and usually resolves itself in time, but if it doesn't it's just a plugged up oil gland and does no harm or cause any pain.

If the pig isn't bothered by it I don't think I would be in a hurry to fix something that doesn't need fixing.