Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pig wont warm up to me.

My guinea pig wont warm up to me.

21 14:19:38

I've had my guinea pig, Herbert, for about 6 months now. I got him as a baby from a pet store, and he seemed nice and sociable there. I play with him everyday, feed him, give him fresh water, etc. All the necessary stuff. He won't come near me! I let him run around in a large closed space, and when i try to get him back into his cage, he won't have anything to do with me. He backs up and runs into his igloo.  I'm 13, so I know I still have learning to do, but I've read several books and internet articles and I can't find anything to help me get my guinea pig to like me. I was hoping you could offer some advice.

Hi Paige

It sounds like you are doing everything you can to help herbert get used to you. Some pigs just are skittish and dont like being handled, I have 2 pigs like this.

The only way I know to overcome this is to sit down and have herbert on your knee and stroke him gently and hope he will tame up a bit. I can't give you any guarantees this will succeed though.

Goood luck
