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Guinea pig squeeking when pooping

21 14:27:49

Hi thank you for your response.  I have dealt with a kidney stone before with my other girl.  Boogie passed one a few months ago.  I don't think that's what Skittle had.  While I was waiting for your reponse, I went ahead and gave them the option of eating prunes, just in case it was something as simple as being constipated.  I cut up some pitted dried prunes (unsweetened).  I don't know if the prunes helped or if it was an infection, but the problem has cleared up.  Tbey seem to enjoy prunes anyway. lol   No more discomfort or squeeking!  So who knows.  But thanks a lot for your information on cystitis.  I don't know about other people, but it wasn't boring to me.  Thanks a lot!!

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Question -

Hi Brittany,

My absynnian (sp?) female guinea pig that I have had for over a year now has started squeeking when she poops lately.  I am not sure if she did it when she peed or not, but I know she does it when she poops.  I don't think she does it all the time (or maybe I just don't hear her.)  I'm assuming it's sort of infection.  They get fresh veggis and vitamin C.  Could she be constipated or something? I was just wondering if there was something I could feed her that may help clear it up without having to rush off to a vet.  Thanks and please get back asap!! Thank you!

Answer -
The most common thing for guinea pigs to have, especially female guinea pigs, is cystitis a  kidney infection, usually the guinea pig will squeal when she pees and sometimes when they poo, although they might not squeal everytime. She could possibly have a little constipation, but if she is getting unlimited timothy hay and fresh fruits and veggies that is usually not the problem. You could try using 1 mL vegetable oil once a day for no more than 2 days and give her unlimited hay during that time, if that does not help though she most likely has cystitis. Guinea Pigs naturally have hard poo pellets so unless she is not pooping at all or has diarrea there is usually nothing to worry about on that end. She could also possibly have a kidney stone, but cystitis is more common. Treatment for cystitis is antibiotics, usually Bactrim which contains sulfur. Almost all intestinal problems are accompanied by diarrea, so she most likely has cystitis, it wouldn't hurt to try the veggie oil though if you wanted to. Let me know if you have any more questions.

I'm glad that she is doing better. Sometimes certain enzymes in fruits can help a lot with issues with constipation as well as preventing illness. I give all of my pigs vitamins and a variety of fruits and veggies and I have had very few cases of illness for how many pigs both rescues and babies that have been through my house. Let me know if you have any more questions.