Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Unexpected death

Unexpected death

21 14:10:37

My GF & I came home to find our GP dead.  His back was denuded and discolored.  There appeared to be a bump under his skin.  We'd played with him just the night before. Other than having a little diarrhea we have no idea what could've killed him, as he was doing fine. We're concerned that whatever killed him may be contagious and a threat to our remaining critters, i.e., another GP, rabbit and two hamsters.

Any help you could provide would be invaluable.

Thank you,

Hi Mike

Firstly, I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

It is almost impossible to tell what might have been the problem. As guinea pigs are prey animals they hide illness very well.

Diarrhea is a dangerous condition in some cases but if you were playing with him last night I'm sure you would have noticed if anything was wrong. Usually its just an upset stomache.

The bump under his skin might be the answer. Perhaps he has been biten by a spider?

I am sorry I cant give a more definate reply, but if you think of any other factors, please let me know. I think a bite seems the most likely answer from what you tell me.
