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Guinea behavior

21 14:47:05

We are new owners of a male guinea about 10 months old. Recently he has been flinching and racing around his cage, this also involves jumping up and squealing loudly. We keep his cage clean and provide veggies and Vit. C sup. in his water. We have tried toys and things to chew. He is kept in the living room on the side of our Entertainment center. We also have 5 cats, but he doesn't seem bothered by them when he's out, he rather likes teasing them. He also fliches and races around when he is sitting on our foot stool eating greens if you try to pet him. Then he thrusts his head up against our hands. All of this is disturbing when we don't know what's wrong. What do these behaviors mean?

Hi Adora

From what you have described this all sounds like perfectly normal guinea pig behaviour. The jumping up and squealing is most likely something we guinea pig people call 'popcorning' a guinea pig does this when they are happy or excited, they kind of jump up and twist then often run laps around the cage, kind of looks like 'crazy' behaviour. But it is normal and a sign of a happy, healthy guinea pig!

If you try and stroke a guinea pigs head most of them won't like it and will object by thrusting their head upwards. So this sounds as if if it is normal behaviour as well.

However if you are at all worried by his behaviour you should get him checked out by a vet. For example if the 'flinching' increases or he starts to shake it may be an indicator of a neurological condition. But really from what you have said he sounds normal and this is unlikely.

I hope this helps and reassures you that everything is okay! If you have any more questions please ask