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Hair Wraps

21 14:47:05

I have a very handsom Piggy named 'Bloke'.He has very long hair and doesnt like to be brushed so we have a special comb for him.What i would like to know is how do I tie his hair back off his rear end to keep his bath time down to a minimum as he doesnt like these either,...   He is a very big sooky boy who luv's his cuddles and as i said ,he is sooo handsom.We would appreciate any info on how to do this properly.
Thankyou in advance for your time,
   Cass Scarlett & Bloke
ps He was sold to me as a Poodle Pig.My regular pet shop has never heard of this type o Guinea Pig. Have You?    
 Thanks Mate  

Hi Cass,
I had the same problem with my guinea-pigs.
It is very rare for guinea-pigs to like bath time and alot of people have the same proiblem as you and I.
My guinea-pigs had long hair and I also found it hard to control them while bathing.
I have found no cure to this.
I personally found that it helps if you talk to them (it's wierd, but it works!)and also to keep a firm (but not to tight) grip on them and to Slowly pour water onto him.
I am sorry that I couldn't gove you very good informtion.
I have never heard of a poodle pig, but if you send me a description of what it looks like, its coulors, how long it's hair is etc. I can tell you what it is.
Thank you