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baby guinea prob with eye

21 14:19:40

i have a 4 week guinea pig , his fur is almost white with some black, and last week he had some red around his eye and now  it is swollen. for bedding i use wool cardigans i thought maybe that the cardigan is making this maybe he is more delicate than the others .what can i do pls thank you waiting for your reply

The bedding may be causeing the irritation. I would try a brand called carefresh which is ripped up soft cardboard material. Keep his eye cleaned regularly. If it dosent clear up in a couple days, then it means he has an eye infection. Not too uncommon, be he will need medicine from a vet. Seperating him could also help in case it is something like pink eye and is contagious. You also could care the piggy to a petsmart or petco and show someone who works there the piggies eye, and they may have a over the counter recomendation for the eye. Good luck and let me know how it turns out.