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no sound

21 13:49:01

Hi there, i hope you can help me out. i just got my first guinea pig 2 days ago and he doesn't make any sounds!! does he need a cage mate? is he depressed? i don't know what to do, but i know they are supposed to squeak and make sounds, and he doesn't.
any help?

Not to worry. There's nothing wrong with him. He isn't depressed, he's just in a new surrounding that is unfamiliar and he's trying to get used to the new sights, sounds and smells.

Leave him alone for a few days. Don't try to pick him up. Let him adjust. When you approach his cage talk to him softly, then offer him a small piece of lettuce or carrot. Small, not a big bunch. He will being to associate the sound of your voice with the goodies.  My pigs know the sound of a plastic bag and know that carrots and lettuce come when they hear that sound. They   learned to listen for the refrigerator door, and know that the next thing will be the treats.  

Do this several times a day. But that's why you only want to take a very small piece of carrot or small piece of lettuce.  Too much might upset his tummy. You don't know what he's used to having so you don't want to overdo it.  If he's a small baby, then be really stingy with the   pieces of treats.  Little ones can easily get diarrhea from too many veggies.

All pigs go through this same adjustment period. Think about it from his point of view. To him you are a giant, a big scary giant. He doesn't understand the new place that he's in. It's all different, and it's scary. So you want to teach him slowly that you are the friendly giant who brings the food and water to him.  

Be patient. Give him a week and he will be fine.  Before you know it he'll start wheeking like crazy every time he hears you coming. When you pet him he will make the little short purring sound that means he likes it.  So give him some room to settle in and soon he'll be your best friend and you will be his.