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My Guineas need a home

21 14:10:27

Hi Andy,
    I asked you a question not too long ago about one of my guinea pigs constantly mounting the other. You suggested giving them both a bath. I did and it seems to be working so far. My new question is this. I have to find a new home for them and I recently put a post on Guinea Pig Rescue, I have received no replies yet. I can not keep these cute guys and I can't just give them to anyone. My daughter is allergic to them and I am expecting soon and can't have these guys here with a new baby in the house. Is there any suggestions you can give me on finding a good , trusting home for them? I do not want to separate them as they are brothers and they are connected to each other. Please let me know what I can do. Thank you again, Maureen

Hi Maureen

Ideally, you should avoid animal shelters as this will add to an already growing population of piggies without a home.

I dont know where you live, but in UK we have a paper called admag where you can advertise for free. You could put an entry in inviting someone to take your piggies for free to a good home.
