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Homemade treats

21 14:44:47

Hi Tara,

We bought two male guinea pigs right after Christmas and I'm curious to know what kind of homemade treats can be made for them. Our boys don't really like vegetable or store bought treats... they do like apples though! If you have any recipes or treat suggestions you can pass on it would be greatly appreciated.



Hello Dale

For homemade treats I mix up some fruit,vegtables, oats, bran, I'll give you a few ideas of what I'm talking about;

Mix a few pieces of fruit and or vegtables with wet bran stir and serve

Pour the same mixture as above into a ice cube cube tray and freze then serve, for an added treat mix some pellets with a bit of water (enough to get them soggy) and pour a little of that mixture in the ice cube tray and then pour the fruit/vegtable mixture on top of it.

Mix some vegtables and fruits together after cutting them into small chunks, put vitamin drops on top stir and serve.

Mash a bannana and add a straw berry or two smash the straw berrys or cut them into small pieces, you can serve this one as is or add bran/freze or freze with bran.

Mix some oats with wet bran add fruit adn vegtable cuncks and serve.

I hope this helps if you have any more questions feel free to ask.