Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Nipples


21 14:26:13

We have a guinea pig.. she use to be ok with us handling her, now when we are holding her, she nipples.. I don't want to call it a bite because we don't bleed from it.

She use to only do this to go the bathroom, but it's more common now, what should we do, and why is she doing this.

Also, we are thinking about getting another guinea pig... will she stop being as friendly to us because she has a companion?  If so, we don't want to get another one.


Hello Nicole,

Guinea Pigs will nibble as a sign of affection, especially if the nibbles are mixed with licks. Usually wiggling your fingers and bumping her nose lightly will get her to stop. If not just move her around or distract her with a toy. If the bites get more aggressive, take her to the vet. She may be trying to tell you she is in pain or something is wrong. Getting another Guinea Pig will not change her relationship with you but it will make her a happier piggy. Guinea Pigs are social animals and thrive when they have other piggies to talk to. Another piggy will bring more joy to both of your lives and she will still be just as wonderful of a friend to you as she's always been.
