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New friend

21 14:39:38

 Last saterday me and my feionca got a new gp.  I already have two, bacon and turkey they are about 9 months old.  I now i have scottie,  who is five weeks old.  I plain to incubate the baby for two weeks to make sure he is not sick.  So i just have two quick questions about my situation.

1.  I know that your supose to clean out piggys cages when introducing a new piggy because of the sent... but i have two? so would the sent really effect the baby and my old piggys since there would already be so many sents?

2. I think my new piggy has a cold, he has snezed about 5 or 6 times since saterday,  there is no runny stuff, just a little krusty, but not noticable.. should i worry? he eats and dirnks normal. that and when i get him out, of course he runs, but it sounds like he gets winded... it goes away and only last a minute.

please reply soon, i dont want my piggy to be sick:(

Hi Brenda.  It is a very good idea to isolate your new pig just to make sure if he is sick (with the cold you mentioned) you don't want the others to catch it.  You don't have to clean the cage before putting in Scottie, but I would highly recommend it. It would make the transition to the new home easier.  I would keep an eye on his nose and eyes, and if it gets worse I would consider taking him to a vet.
Hope this helps!