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Cage Sharing amongst Male Cavies

21 14:06:08

I have a piggy, named Chuck, he's one year old.  Can I purchase a baby male piggy, and put them together?  Will they get along, or has my piggy been on his own too long to share living quarters?

I look forward to hearing from you.


I've introduced young guinea pigs to older ones successfully and all it takes is a bit of time and patience.
You have to be able to keep them separate but able to see each other for a few days.
You might find you can introduce them nose to nose by holding them together and they are fine.
Keep your eye on them.
You'll be able to tell if they don't like each other, they will hiss and grunt. Chuck is likely to be a little bossy so I wouldn't worry if he gets a bit pushy.

Another thing you could do is go to a rescue center.
Guinea pig rescue homes, often let you go to their properties and bring you can take Chuck with you, then you put them in tester cages to see who Chuck best gets along with like speed dating!!
