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introducing males

21 14:17:31

Thank you for answering my last question about my 16wk male and my 3wk male baby.You explained that we should continue to introduce them over time but the baby is already showing signs of sexual maturity towards his Mom and he needs to be separated he is 3 weeks on thursday.As they have had a good 30-45 minutes every day in the last week in the neuteral cage can i try them together rehoused
all day and night. Thanks again for your wonderful advice.


They should both get along fine with each other, so you can go ahead and rehouse them together. Still just to be on the safe side make sure to watch them a few minutes and then listen for any noise that could mean trouble after that.

Though I don't think you have anything to worry about. They should get along fine, though when the baby gets a little older they will go through the dominance fighting and that is nothing to worry about, it'll just be chattering of teeth, head raising, purring and some very light bits. Nothing to worry about as they will not hurt each other at all. They will just be trying to establish who is the leader.

Take care now,