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hair loss and diarrhea

21 14:06:18

QUESTION: I have just bought a new guinea pig it is about 3 weeks old and it seems healthy and rambunctious it runs around and explores but it has diarrhea and I was wondering if that was because of the food change. I also have another question i have another one that is about 1yr and 3months old she seems ok cuddly as ever but she doesnt like exploring much or running around. she just cuddles. I have noticed she has been shedding alot and when you touch certin places she yelps. does she have parisites?

ANSWER: Hi Ashley,

Diarrhoea is a serious health concern for a guinea pig, so if yours has had it for more than a couple of days, take it straight to a vet (a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet). Guinea pigs quickly become dehydrated and go downhill, so this problem which is mild for many animals, can quickly become life-threatending for a piggy and the best way to treat it is with the help of a qualified expert. But yes, it could definitely have been caused by the change in food; guinea pigs need to be slowly introduced to a new dry mix, by mixing old and new together and gradually reducing the percentage of old until it's 100% new.

Shedding is also a cause of concern, and it could well be due to mites. If she's been scratching a lot, they are almost certainly to blame. Have a close look; can you see tiny flecks of what looks like dandruff? These are the mites, and they can easily be treated at home using Lice and Easy shampoo from If she feels hot to the touch and is off her food, she needs to visit the vet too as these are signs of mange which can be fatal and she'll need a course of injections. She could also have an allergy, so try changing the brand or type of bedding you use.

Hope this helps, good luck, and if you have any other questions - just ask!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you so much for your advice. The baby pig is no longer having diarrhoea i think it was the food change i actually during that whole time hand fed and watered him. also my other one dosn't itch at all and she eats all the time, but she does shed alot. so I will try changing her bedding, but again to the baby he itches alot and bies himself. He still eats but now he itches and sqeals when he itches he has even been pulling out his hair is this the mites you were talking about. he has white and light orange hair so it is hard to see if there are white flakes. thank you

Hi Ashley,

On a pale guinea pig the "dandruff" will be dark - probably brown or black. It definitely sounds like they've got mites, hopefully just the common kind that you can treat at home. Visit and buy a trial-size bottle of "lice and easy" - a gentle, herbal remedy for mites. You can use this shampoo to treat both piggies (I find it much more affective than insecticidal shampoos from pet shops, and of course much less painful than an injection) unless the baby is under 8 weeks of age. In which case, you'll need to get "mini pig shamppoo" for him to calm his skin down, and then use "lice and easy" on him as soon as he's old enough.

Let me know if you need tips on how to bath them, as it can be tricky.
