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Best bedding for GPs

21 14:40:56

Hi!  I have been using the gray paper based bedding for my piggie for the past two years. I notice that dust seems to come out of this type of bedding when I'm cleaning the cage.  Thinking about going back to aspen bedding because of this.  Didn't know how healthy it is for a piggie to be breathing dust from the bedding. Need your opinion on this.  Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill regarding dust from the bedding?  Is aspen bedding the best way to go or is there something better?
Thanks for you help!  Pat

Hello Pat and thanks for the question,

Recycled paper bedding (that you ARE currently using) is the best bedding to use. Do not worry about the dust. Aspen and pine are the second best and are more affordable. I have my GPs in quite a large pen and buying that much paper bedding is not feasible for me. I use pine and have never had a problem. Most folks stay away from cedar.

Thanks and good luck,