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multiple symptoms, young sow

21 14:19:52

I have a young sow that just gave birth about a week ago.  We bought her unknowingly pregnant from the petstore.  The birth went perfectly and she did well with nursing the two babies.  However, just in the last 3 days she has dramatically lost weight and has been behaving oddly.  She isn't eating much, seems very weak, sits with her nose in the corner, is reluctant to nurse the babies, and seems to be drooling and biting strangely.  I read about malocclusion but the vet today said her teeth were fine and trimmed the front top and bottom.  Is this a matter that she was simply too young to be a mother and nursing has taken all of her nutrition or does it sound more like a tooth problem?  Should I try to feed her by hand with baby food and a syringe?  I'm really scared she is starving to death.  Please answer as soon as you can.  Thank you!


It sounds like your young sow is suffering from a vitamin C deficiency. All young sows need the extra C before and after birth of the babies.
I suggest that you feed her food high in C and also see about putting vitamin C drops in her water.
She needs the extra C cause she is nursing the babies, and that takes a lot out of her nutrition wise.
So just make sure she is getting plenty of vitamin C, watch her to see if she is acting more normal and if she doesn't improve in a few days then take her back to the vet.
I hope this helps and that she starts feeling normal again soon. Take care,