Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > I Just Dont Understand...

I Just Dont Understand...

21 14:22:31

I just got my guinea pig about 3 days and she was doing great, she was mellow, loved to be held, and had no fear of us. Today, as we were changing her bedding she would not let us pick her up, pet, or even touch her! I did figure out one thing, my brother accidently dropped a candy cane in her cage, but i didn't look like she even touched it. PLEASE help! I love my guinea pig!

Hello Abby,

I'm very sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I have been very ill the last few days. Again, I am terribly sorry for the delay. Once a piggy gets settled in, they start becoming a bit more skittish. The first few days, though it may seem like they are just very calm and sweet, they are really very frightened and nervous. This may sound strange but her running from you actually means she's becoming more comfortable in your home. With a bit of time and alot of handling, she should come around. The candy cane is not likely a problem since she didn't touch it. Once again, I'm sorry for the delay in answering.
