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signs of human affection in guinea pigs

21 13:46:09

I have a 1 year old female who does not have a mate in her cage. She loves human attention, and often will sleep with legs extended on my chest, chattering softly and giving me light "nibbles". She recently began yawning during these interactions, and I don't know what this means. She is not tense or agitated at these times. Why the yawning?

Thank you

It's probably just the same yawn that humans do sometimes, even when we're not tired. She's showing you true love and affection and letting you know she trusts you and enjoys your company.  That's one of the most endearing things about guinea pigs, they love to be held and cuddled. Some of them take a bit longer to settle down, but once they do they're awesome pets.

You can count yourself especially blessed.