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why all 7 of my g pigs died

21 13:46:25

Hi i had 2 guinin pig puck and pip  i have a male guinin pig in a different cage  cosy the to females had babies with in 4 days of each other we lost otwo during the bifths but the rest wherr all fine so had 2 kums and 5 babies woke up 1 morning to find puck and a baby had died  then cleaned them out  tgen 3days later checkwd on them night before had a chat as u do the next morning found them all dead in tje cage speard out no a mark on them and they had a dead over night i really need to no if it was my fault  the boy i have is fine so cant be the food can u help


okay so why they died. there are several reasons why, some could be because of you, some are just out of our hands.

it could be due to their living conditions, if they are too cold, hot or damp then that could kill them. guinea pigs should have a cool, dry living space.

it could be the stress of so many in such a small space (i dont know the size of their housing) this is unlikely though as they would likely have some signs of fighting on them.

finally here in the UK, there has been sometihng this last year and a half really that has been just beeen killing guinea pigs randomly, personally my money is on this, I have lost a couple to this. I have talked it over with a few breeders and other rescue people, and they have said the same things, only people who deal with alot of guinea pigs really notice. this seems to be more concentrated in the midlands area too so I don't know if you are nearer.

my best bet is that it is either air born or in the food. if it is brought in from the food then the reason why your male is alive is because he is healthier, carrying that many babies for so long anthen weaning them will make the sows weaker, and the babies are weaker just by being babies. I advise changing food if you think this is a likely cause.

best of luck