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Chubby Piggies

21 14:04:57

Hello, firstly thanks in advance for taking the time answer my question. I have 2 (what I believe to be) fat guinea pigs. 1 was always bigger than the other through breed but now they're matching in size which is quite a worry for DeVon who is supposed to be the smaller of the two. Bubba (aka. the big boy) has also put on weight - he was large when we got him and has a big build. I started by feeding the two a bowl of guinea pig museli, which would last 2 days, and in a week an array of crunchy veg, ie. carrot, parsnip etc. (maybe half a carrot each a day - not alot) and some hay from the pet shop. I never give them any 'treats'.
Recently I have been able to keep my piggies outside during the day, so now they're grazing all day. They eat a bowl of food between them in an evening and are (i think) a little less interested in the veg. I'm not sure how to help them loose weight. I shall aim to give them smaller portions more often and try to get them back to half a bowl between them a day. But what more can I do? Something in the way of exercise? (they do currently have a bit of an adventure playground in their outside pen which they love)I'm getting concerned as I can now hear Bubbas breathing when i hold him and I never used to be able to (although it doesnt seem labored or wheezy in particular)

Help?! .. thanks so much


Hi Kate,

Guinea pigs are completely ruled by their tummies and constantly beg for food, so it is tempting to give in to their calling, but you must not! By the sounds of it, the problem with yours is you're feeding them too much muesli/dried food - this should be given in small quantities to supplement a diet of fresh veg, not the other way round. My boys love their dried food too but it is the most fattening element in their diet and should be kept to a minimum - though it should still be used as it is handy at topping up any vitamins and minerals they may be low on.

This is what I feed my two boys:

7am - Fresh veggie breakfast. One portion of fresh veg each. A portion is half a carrot, half a pepper, one celery stick (cut up small), two large brocolli florrets etc.

6pm - Fresh veggie dinner. One portion of fresh veg each. More examples are a sixth of a cucmber, half a large apple, a dark green cabbage leaf, a handful of fresh parsley.

10pm - "Put them to bed". One piggy-sized bundle of hay each, and a handful of dried mix (Gerty Guinea Pig Food) sprinkled in the hay to share.

I do feed them some treats - a carroty from the Naturals range each when I leave the house in the morning, and one more each at some other point during the day. If I'm making a salad for myself I give them a slice of cucumber each otherwise I feel really mean!

Try not to let your piggies graze all day. Limit them to an hour or two. Given the chance, they will eat the grass constantly - too much grass can cause tummy upsets, and if you're giving them this on top of their usual amount of food they will get fat, fast!

Hope this helps & good luck slimming them down :o)

If you have any other questions - just ask!
