Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > ms.maggie squeaks

ms.maggie squeaks

21 14:04:57

hi jenny. i have 2 guinea pigs and the other day i noticed her to be very lethargic. she is not eating or drinking. i have had to force feed her liquified pellets. do you know what is wrong? theres also a strange objject near her anus. its red. help?!

Hi Fran,

Take her to a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet, or an emergency vet ASAP. It sounds as though she's got either a bladder or kidney infection, or an internal blockage. All need vetinary help, fast. A piggy who is not eating or drinking is a very sick piggy and unfortunately they go down hill very fast once they first show symptoms of ill health.

Guinea pigs hide their illnesses - as a defence mechanism in the wild - which can make it very hard for owners. A seemingly perfectly healthy piggy can die overnight. It is important to be vigilant with health checks, and to be be careful with a piggy's diet.

I hope she makes it.

Good luck and best wishes,