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mama piggy

21 14:37:45

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Question -
my son just brought home 2 piggys from a pet store, male & Female.  I have done some research on them and I'm sure she is due less than 3 weeks. I understand I cannot put the boys in with dad due to fighting but can the lil girls stay in the same pen with mom? Also I know dad has to be out do to mom coming back into heat, will she stop after some time so I can put the 2 adults together at any point?
Answer -
Hi Leah

You are right, the baby boys shouldnt go in with dad until they are at least 6 weeks old because they will smell like their mother which will cause problems.

The female will continue to come into season every 15-17 days so you will have to permanantly separate them if you want no more babies.

Andy I'm confused now, I read I can put 2 males together as long as there from the same litter and a female is never introduced.  From your answer it sounds like I can put all the males together as long as there 6 weeks old. I can mix the boys? can I keep the girls in with mom?  

Hi again

The baby boys cannot go straight in with dad because they will smell like the mother and the dad may attack the babies. After 6 weeks, when they are no longer dependent on their mother, you can put the baby boys in with the dad, and the girls can stay with mom.
