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Bathing and moving in Ball

21 14:41:37

I just got my Guniea Pig (Lizzie)! She is so cute!She has an excersize ball she doesn't move in it! How can I train her to use it?
Also how do you bath her?


Congrats on your new little cavy!  Mine never were interested in the exercise ball.  They liked the wooden houses to hide in and the larger tunnels.  So you may not get her to play in the exercise ball.  Only time will tell.  I'd just give her a few minutes in it each day.  She might decide she likes it.  Otherwise there is nothing you can really do.  You can bath her in your bathroom sink.  Warm water and baby shampoo.  Try not to bath her to often or you will dry her skin out.  Once a month or as needed only.