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Sick Pig!!!!!!

21 14:09:46

Hi i recently lost one of my guinea pigs who i was very attacted to but had a hard time near the end were she was really thin and had to be hand fed. But her dauther guinea pig was okay at first but has recently lost alot of weight she used to be a little porky but now she is heading in the same direction as my other guinea pig who died. I have tried hand feeding her but she dosent seem to be intrested and just sits there in a corner looking helpless i cant bare to lose her please help me please asap

Hi Stephanie

It may be that the daughter is grieving for her mother. I am very sorry to hear your news by the way. I have lost 2 of my 4 pigs recently.

You really need to get her to a vet straight away because there are lots of possibilities as to what may be wrong.
