Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Help!!!!! ASAP

Help!!!!! ASAP

21 14:15:47

Hi Andy,
I've got a approx 5 yr old female guinea pig (I got her off a friend) who is a Ridgeback. Over the past months she often scratches herself, and had cuts on her back that bleed (i think their from all the scratching) i looked through her fur and found her skin dramatically full of heaps of dandruff (i think its dandruff) I bath the cut with salt water. She still has a great appetite which is good. What should i do about her skin? Has she got bad mites? I'm worried about her because she's old :-( I really hope u can help
P.S. could the problem be from mice, seeing we have them here?

Hi Morri

It sounds very much like a mites problem. All you need to do is visit the vet where you will probably be given ivermectin, but there is a chance the problem is a parasitical one rather than mites, but the vet will be able to tell the difference.
