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Introducing our two girls

21 14:17:27

Jules!  Me with the two girl pigs again-- Lala and Addy.  Lala is two years old
and Addy is two months.  We've had Addy for a week now so we introduced
them together tonight.  We were planning to do it slowly, a few minutes at a
time, but when we tried to separate them, they freaked out!  We ended up
putting them back together again to quiet them down.  Now we aren't sure if
we should let them live together or not.

They run around in circles constantly sniffing each other and squeaking.  
Sometimes Lala seems to be grooming Addy but sometimes she runs over
her.  When we feed them lettuce, they steal the leaves from each other but
they don't really bite or fight about it.  They are really hyper together but they
seem to be happy.  We never saw Addy popcorn before tonight and now she's
doing it all the time.  

Lala is much bigger than Addy, so we originally planned to wait until Addy
was grown up more.  Now we hate to separate them but we don't know what
will happen if we put them in a cage together.  Will the baby get enough
food?  Will such a big pig accidentally hurt a little one?  Tell us what you
think, we want our pigs to be happy and safe!  


This is a good sign that they don't like to be separated, that means they will get along fine together and become very close.

Start off by leaving Lala and Addy together in the same cage during the day and separating them at night. Do that for a few days, just to make sure Lala is ready to spend 24/7 with Addy. Once you feel like Lala won't mind having Addy around go ahead and leave them together for good. If you notice before say 4 days has passed that Lala is chewing on her bars or is talking a lot to Addy and that Addy is doing the same thing just go a head an place them together. My girls where the same age when I put them together, they would start chewing on the their bars and talking to each other non stop at night that I just figured they where ready and sure enough they get along great and don't like to be separated from each other from more then 10 minutes.

Lala will act more like a mom to Addy and so she'll make sure Addy is getting enough to eat and drink, and will not hurt Addy at all. They'll get along great and Lala will treat Addy more like her baby then anything.

Good Luck to you and take care now,