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Toys, toys, toys

21 14:19:38

What kinds of toys are best for guinea pigs? Right now mine has some wooden things for guinea pigs to chew on, but that's pretty much it. what should i buy him?

Much love from Paige and Herbert(the piggie)

some of the best toys are things laying around the house. They love to run through things so I use cardboard boxes from cereal and other foods, and PVC pipe (as long as it is wide enough that there is not chance they can get stuck). Other fun things are sticking timothy hay in a toilet paper roll and they love figuring out how to get the hay out. I have a hanging tunul from petsmart that cost $7 and that is my piggies favorite thing. Actual animal toys they arent that crazy about, but you can try. Things such as the plastic cat balls with bells in them, hangup bird toys that have wood and bells and even birdie mirrors. I also got mine a reptile log and they love to run through it and on it. Guinea pigs are capable of digesting wood, paper, cardboard, plastic and fabric, so never worry when they are eating it. I hope this helps. Good luck!