Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Mites?


21 14:19:38

Thankyou for your helpful response.

I recently gave the other Guinea Pig to a friend so i only have the little baby with the mite now.
I will be separating them today to prevent my new ones getting it.

I will also be taking the little baby to the vet tomorrow do i mention, Ivermectin to them so they know which treatment? Do you think it could be something else other then a mite? Someone else told me it could be a fungal, It looks like a scab above and around the eye moving slowly moving towards the ear with no fur on it.

The text above is a follow-up to ...

I had this female guinea pig who was absolutely infested in mites on her face, eyes, neck, ears and belly. I tried treating it but failed. She since had a baby and the baby is showing signs on the mite just under her eye which appears to may be getting worse around the eye. What can i do? I also have a new boar and sow in the cage, how can i make sure they also dont get the mite? i need this mite treated urgently before it gets worse and spreads to the others?

The most recommended and safest thing to treat Guinea Pigs with mites is Ivermectin. Ivermectin is usually administered in two or more doses, by injection or orally, spaced 7 to 14 days apart (see vet) and can even be used topically with the right amount. Dosage varies slightly from one species to another. It is safe enough to use even on the little baby. You will need to see a Specialized small animals vet for the correct dosage as overdosing of Ivermectin can cause death in Guinea Pigs.

Also you will need to separate the two newer Guinea Pigs from the mother and baby. They may still have to be treated for mites themselves but by separating them you are lowering that risk.

Then throughly clean and disinfect the cage. As mites can live on in the bedding and cage, which can cause another round of mites in your Guinea Pigs.

Good luck to you and I hope that everything works out for you and your Guinea Pigs.



When you take the little one to the vet, have the vet take a close look at it, though I think it is mites but I can't be sure with out seeing. If the vet says yes to mites then do mention the Ivermectin as treatment.

Good Luck to you and I hope everything works out.