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Cuts, scabs.

21 14:35:19

One of my guinea pigs had been scratching for a while and then I started to notice great big scabs were appearing in places like just in front of his back legs and behind his ears. They looked very sore and I just thought that because this guinea pig is the softest out of the three I thought he may have got caught in one of there fights because sometimes they get on and sometimes they don't. I checked his fur and there were a few flakes of skin and one or two black bits stuck in his fur, I thought this was hard skin at first but I don't think it is and I don't think its the lice that stick in the fur because I've seen them in my friends guinea pig before. I don't know what to do I don't know whether its lice that are eating its flesh or what? Also I was wondering if you could put sudacrem cream on the cuts? As they are bothering him and have been for a few days. I hope you can answer my questions. Thanks.

The first thing I have to say, is that if your guinea pigs are fighting to the point that they are hurting each other, you need to seperate them. It is not fair for you to stand by and allow one of your pigs to be hurt. They can't speak for themselves. They need someone to be responsible for them. You need to buy at least one other cage, and house your pig seperately. This is your first step in clearing up this skin condition. Next, I reccommend you give your pig a bath in an anti-bacterial soap, such as Dial, and avoid his head and face. If you have no Dial, then I reccommend a mild soap such as baby soap/shampoo. Make sure to use warm water, and he will jump and thrash around, so I reccommend a bathtub, or shower stall. Don't panic! He will be upset at first, but should get used to the water. If he doesn't, try to soap and rinse him as quickly as possible. Make sure to dry him thoroughly, and don't set him back in his cage until he is completely dry. I reccommend a blow dryer. Chances are he is experiencing a skin condition from fighting, or being with the other pigs. To check for fleas use a fine toothed comb or a flea comb for cats/dogs. I'm not exactly sure what "sudacrem" is, but try neosporin on him. Spread it thinly, as he will lick it off, and you don't want him to become sick. If he doesn't get better, I'm telling you now to take him to a vet. Have his other cagemates been experiencing the same thing? Even if they are not, I reccommend giving them baths too, and possibly setting each one up in his own cage. I hope this helps, as I'm not 100% sure what is wrong with him, but chances are if none of the other pigs have it, it's probably from fighting. If you have any other questions, feel free to write to me again. That's what I'm here for. I wish you and your pigs a lifetime of health and happiness. :)