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21 13:48:00

Can gunieapigs losses hair during pregnancy?

Yes, they can lose hair during pregnancy. It's also not uncommon for the sow to lose hair while she's nursing her litter. However, pay attention to the pattern of the hair loss.  If you see her with a 'V' shaped break in her coat on her back then you have a mite problem.

Mites will migrate to the top of the back because it's harder for the pig to reach that spot to scratch. She will reach over each shoulder and pull at the hair in an attempt to rid herself of the itch. That results in the typical 'V' pattern of hair loss.

If the hair is just getting thinner all over then it's possibly from the stress of pregnancy. Not all sows do this. I have one Teddy that loses most of her coat after she's about three weeks into nursing her babies.  The hair comes back after they're weaned.

It would be very helpful if you could send me a picture so I get a better sense of what kind of hair loss it is.