Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > why did my guinea pig die?

why did my guinea pig die?

21 14:05:19

QUESTION: My guinea pig died today and I would like to know if you have any idea why. She was about a year and a half old, normal size, always ate and drank normally. She seemed healthy, active, never any problems. She did breathe a little funny though, like hmmh hmmh hmmh. But she had been doing that for a long time, I thought it was weird but harmless. I went to give her some lettuce this afternoon and she was laying on her side in her box and she was dead. I don't know for how long. Do you have any idea why? Could she have choked by tearing off paper from the box and eating it?

ANSWER: What kinda of bedding were you using? If you were using wood shavings, then you need to make sure that you were ONLY using aspen. Other wood types like cedar and pine will kill you guinea pig in about 1.5 to 2 years. That sounds like your case.

I am sorry for your loss. Please tell me the type of bedding you were using though, so that I can warn others.

John Kliewer

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I usually used the big bags of red cedar "pet's pick" bedding from wal-mart. But when she died she had pine bedding. Why would they sell that kind of bedding if it kills animals? And why do they die from that? I'm absolutely horrified, and scared that my two other pigs are going to die now too. What do I do? What bedding do I use? I just can't afford the really expensive, $30/bag kinds. I'm really upset now.

Pine and cedar are both softwoods and they both have aromatic oils in them that cause breathing problems in guinea pigs and small animals.

They sell it because there is a SMALL chance that it wont harm the animals and because people constantly want money.

I would switch to carefesh regular (expensive) or Kaytee Shredded Aspen. It is about 14 dollars a bag for 113 liters (which lasts 2 months for my pigs, they have a HUGE DIY cage though, so it would probably last longer for you). The shredded aspen is very soft and is hardwood, so there are no aromatic oils. Plus, it is cheap and comes in big bags.

John Kliewer