Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > new home

new home

21 14:46:19

My friend is going to give me her guines pig. And I am not sure how it will react to the new envorinment. What are some things I can do to help it become more at home? And, How long will it take him to get use to his new home?

It all depends on the personality of the guinea pig. First you should ask toyr friend what the guinea pigs favorite food is. When the guinea pig is setteled into its new cage (about 30 min.)offer some food. Keep the piggie in a quiet room this will reduce stress. *Before your friend gives you the guinea pig cet the proper "stuff"  * here is a list of stuff they should have.
A big cage to run in - this is about 2ft.(long)x3ft.(wide)
food- guinea pigs need pelets you can get these at kmart or walmart and a pet shop *get the "guinea pig" food, because their are antibiotics in other rodent food.
A water bottle - a guinea pig water bottle *it will say it on the box.

*************** If you have any more questiona ask me at and please do:)