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1 baby?

21 14:25:28

She is always fluffed up since she had her one baby. Do you know how much it would cost to give her that shot? Does parsley do the same thing as that shot, some other people said it helps them go into labor?
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Parsely does help induce labor, but in my experience, only when the female needs and is ready to go into labor naturally. In order to do the shot the vet will want to do an X-ray, or if he can palpate to feel a retained baby or placenta, that will work too. The shots can be very hard on a guinea pig, that is why he will want to make sure a baby or placenta is in there first. The shot cost different amounts of money depending on the vet, if you are looking for a cheaper price, try an older vet, my vet charges $14, the dose is also very low, so not much is needed. Also make sure you give her plenty of vitamins, unflavored Pedialyte also helps. She may have just had a hard labor, that is why she is fluffed, but it would be a good idea to have her checked over. Most of the time if a female has a retained baby or placenta, they will also be bleeding from the vaginal area, so check for that.