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guinea pig rummblestrutting

21 13:50:06

i recently rescued a mother/daughter pair of guinea pigs aged 10 months / 7 weeks.  they have a large cage which is kept in our 'quiet room' because of this they are allowed free reign of this room so they rarely use the cage!  i have had my pigs for 6 weeks now and a couple of weeks back i noticed the mother snapping at the baby this has now stopped but i have noticed the baby 'rumblestrutting' at the mother although they never take it any further.  they also dont seem to like each other all that much, the baby will follow the mother but the mother prefers to sleep in her own area away from the baby. would they be happier if i added further pigs #of the same sex#.

The rumbling and strutting is the baby show its disapproval of its mother and trying to be dominant. THe mum is showing she does not want her baby around anymore as it is old enough to look after itself.Sows do usually get on with their litter when it reaches maturity but there are times when there is 1 that does not and tries to take over.
The mother is not the problem as she is going about her own business she wants a peaceful life.
Use Vicks vaporub on the nose and bottom of each guinea pig to deter the behavior. Adding more at this point will cause further fighting as each tries to find its own place.It may cause the baby to fight with the other guinea pigs too.