Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Spraying


21 14:15:53

QUESTION: I have a 2-1/2 month old little piggy, Nhika, who started off so sweet just a month ago.  She's still sweet...when she wants to be.  Lately, when I'm holding her she'll suddenly kick and flip around but that's not all.  Some times, she sprays (or squirts) pee.  I took her to the vet to make sure she wasn't having any bladder problems and she left with a clean bill of health.  I'm not sure what to do.  Do you think this is something she's just going through and "testing" me in some way and she'll grow out of?  I don't know if, or even more, how to displine her.  If it's behavioral, as the vet seems to think, I don't want to do anything to make it worse or to make the wrong choice in discipline.  I need help and just want my sweet, little piggy back!  Help!  Donna

ANSWER: Hi Donna

The key is to recognise when your pig is getting restless as this usually means she needs a wee. My pigs have learned to nibble my shirt when they want to go back, but most pigs just get fidgety.

After a while they will realise you have got the message and will put her back for a pee when she starts fidgeting.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Andy! Actually, she's excellent at letting me know when she has to go potty....even from the first day I brought her home.  The thing is...she seems as if she's throwing a tantrum...kicking, flipping around, the works!  She was doing great when I first brought her home.  Then, I had to go into the hospital for back surgery and was in the hospital from a Monday morning and came back home Friday morning.  My husband took care of her as well as my parents...holding her, for floor time, mostly like normal and trying not to vary any from what she had been used to.  I noticed the difference when I came home and she's progressively increased her tantrums.  I've tried "time out" away from all her "comforts of home" and everything...only for no more than 5 minutes at a time.  I just feel REALLY helpless right now!  Any suggestions?  Thanks!  Donna
ANSWER: Hi again

This is a real puzzle. Are you sure she is throwing tantrums, rather than the behaviour called "popcorning" which is where the pig flips and jumps etc like having an epileptic fit almost, but actually its just her having fun. Is that a possibility from what you observe?

The other thing that makes my suggestion less plausible is the squirting pee. The only thing I can think is she is getting overexcited.

In all my years keeping (male) guinea pigs, I have never encountered this problem. Please write back with your response to my latest suggestion and we will take it from there.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Andy!  She does popcorn, quite a bit actually.  Other than when she's doing what I've explained, she really is a happy piggy.  She cuddles, coos and chirps...when the desire strikes her.  But, when she "throws her tantrums," she makes the "I'm completely annoyed with you and if you touch me one more time, I'm REALLY gonna be mad" noise.  It's that fast, high-pitched, completely aggravated sound they make.  It's about then when she flips around and squirts out wee...not much, but definitely enough.  She has also picked up "charging" my hand when I reach in her house (not every time) - she doesn't bite but it seems like some kind of warning to me. I just don't know what to do!  I love her so much and want to help her but I feel like I'm making the wrong choices and making her worse.  Any thoughts?  I'll do whatever it takes to make her happy. Thanks, again!  Donna
ANSWER: Hi again Donna

OK, I feel we are getting to the heart of the problem now. (Gosh I sound like I am some sort of piggy pschyologist haha)

The high pitched sound makes sense. Your pig is clearly telling you she has had enough petting/whatever. I have scoured the internet for the past hour for you, read every resource I know and have not been able to come up with an answer regarding the spraying.

I still have an inkling that the spraying is part of being stressed/overexcited and if you can indentify the point just prior to the tantrum and put her back in her house at that time, you might just be doing what your piggy really wants.

Other than that, I have to admit defeat.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Andy!  Feeling defeated myself, I came to the conclusion yesterday that maybe I should pay more attention to just what you suggested.  It seems to be working...paying attention to the fact that, since my surgery, there are 4 people here versus just my husband and I, giving her attention she just may not want.

I've instructed everyone else to give her more space and it really only makes sense.  I know I would be equally annoyed if someone was touching me all the time.

I appreciate all your help and research on the spraying.  I tried looking it up on the internet too and it's clearly somewhat of a rare issue since there's not much out there to give insight why she may be spraying.

With that said, this problem also seems to be subsiding a little.  I didn't realize that maybe we were disrespecting her space.  

I wonder how I could be so stupid! I can only hope this may help someone in the future.   

Thanks again for your patience and help.  I'll update on our progression after a couple of weeks.  

Hi again Donna

I'm still not sure we have hit the nail on the head but a "psychological" rather than health approach to the problem seems to be heading along the right lines.

Yes, please do let me know how you get on, and I will keep my eye open for other suggestions in the meantime.
