Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my sis wants to know

my sis wants to know

21 14:21:56

My sister would like to know what the likeliness would be of her male guinea pig having a mate and breeding. This male is 1 year old and we do not know if he is in his prime for breeding. Should we get a female that is younger or the same age as him? Is he even able to breed? Thank you for your time. We will greatly appreciate a response.

Females cannot be bred after age 8 months due to their pelvis growing together. Also, it is best to breed males at a young age so it is probally not a good idea. Also, mating should not be taken lightly. They often turn out in death and heartache. Just my advice-not a good idea. But if you do do it, let me know and I will help all I can. Thanks!