Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > aggressive guinea pig

aggressive guinea pig

21 14:13:41

QUESTION: I have had my piggys (3) for 9 weeks. Two days ago 2 of them gave birth to babies...1 baby each. The third female became aggressive to the babies and so we seperated her from the others to give the babies a chance to get settled etc.
I have tried to introduce the third female back into the family, but she keeps being aggressive to the babies and an almighty fight broke out between her and one of the mothers.
I again seperated the agressive guinea.
Do you have any tips or ideas about what I can do? Also I think the aggressive guinea pig might be pregnant.
Any help is much appreciated...Thanks in advance

ANSWER: Hi Rebecca

You have done the right thing in separating the aggressive one, but can you tell me if the mother is being aggressive towards her own babies or the babies of the other mother?

Sometimes aggression between females does flare up when babies come on the scene. Please answer my question and we will take it from there. Also if you know the sex of the babies that are being picked on, this may help.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The mothers are not aggressive towards their own babies. I don't know the sex of the babies yet. Could it be that the aggressive guinea is pregnant? Is there any hope of them all living happily ever after? Thanks again, Rebecca

Hi again

I tend to think the problem may lie in one mother being pregnant. Jealousy does sometimes happen like this.

For the time being keep the aggressive mother with her babies but make sure any males are separated from her by 3 weeks of age.

When all the babies are mature (over 6 weeks) and males are away from females, you can have another go at re-integrating the 2 mothers.

Please let me know if I can help any more.
