Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > too late for pregnancy after 8 months??????

too late for pregnancy after 8 months??????

21 14:19:10

My guinee pig bred with a another male and the baby's were huge, ( he was a big pig also). They all died. It seemed she was so exhausted she couldn't do anything for them.I wasen't there but the male and female were separated. Would that be true and is it still safe for her to breed her with a smaller male pig?

Hello Michelle,
I would not breed her. You could lose the mother and it's normal for guinea pigs to be born big they are born fully furred with their eyes open and are ready to run. They can also start eating soon after birth as well. It's too late to breed her because she's too old. Also, I would really read up on breeding guinea pigs as it is not easy to do and I would only breed guinea pigs bought from a good breeder. Pet store guinea pigs are bred just for pet quality and not breeding quality. Breeding a guinea pig is something that takes time and money because things can go wrong and some people will $300 vet bills during the pregnancy of their guinea pig because something goes wrong or they need a C-section. I'm sorry you lost the pups, but it is common to lose pups because of something not going right during the pregnancy or the cavies may have been sick.