Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Cloudy eyes with white spot in centre

Cloudy eyes with white spot in centre

21 14:19:11

QUESTION: Over the last few days I have noticed that my guinea pigs eyes are becoming increasingly cloudy and now I've taken a closer look they both have a small white spot in the middle.  One of the eyes has an almost blueish colour to it.  He is two and a half years old and apart from this I have not noticed anything else wrong with him.  He is happy and has a really healthy appetite(as greedy as ever)  His coat is shiny and clean.  I'd be grateful if you could give me some suggestions as to what it might be?
ANSWER: Hello Lyndsay,
There could be several things wrong with her eyes. It could be cateracts or some sort of eye infection. I would really advice that you take your guinea pig to a vet. Sometimes diabetes can also cause cateracts as well. The vet is the best option for your guinea pig.
Good luck and keep me posted.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks very much for your answer.  I did get the piglet in to the vets this morning who gave him a thorough examination.  The vet said the left eye has no sight at all as there was no response to the light test etc and the right eye is going to follow suit..The vet said that cataracts are quite common in guineas but, like you, the vet also mentioned diabetes as this has been a rapid deterioration so I have to drop in a urine sample this week.  He also is going to keep a check on the piglets weight.  As you can imagine I feel quite sad that my piggie is going to be blind soon but he is still as cheeky and squeaky as ever and now will need even more cuddles..I shall keep you posted,  many thanks again for your help..Lyndsay :-)

awwww... poor little guinea pig. Since he's becoming blind be sure to talk to him more and more so he's aware of who is handling him. His sense of smell should be just as strong even if he does go blind so I don't think there would be any problem with finding food or water if it's kept in the same spot. Remember though, if one sense goes all the other senses try to make up for it. :-) Good luck with your guinea pig and I hope you have many happy years together. :-)