Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > it is oke if i buy 2 girl guinea pig?

it is oke if i buy 2 girl guinea pig?

21 14:04:08

i want to buy a pair guinea pig but im scared because they said that too much pregnancy cost hagard to a fem pig..and the cavey is can i buy same girl pig? or if i buy pair i need your advice for me to have a long life of my guinea pig...thanks...

Hi Ryan

You are right a Pair can do harm if you do not seperate them and just keep constantly breeding so yes it is ok if you buy 2 females as they wont fight as much as 2 males would

The best option is 2 baby females and let them grow up together
Even 2 baby males that grow up and are not seperated will not fight.

So you can now choose which is the best option Good Luck
