Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my son just got his guinea pig yesturday.

my son just got his guinea pig yesturday.

21 14:25:52

we are not sure on how to tell if it is a male or a female. plus it is sheeding alot. it has kind of medium long hair to. also what kind of temperature should his room be. i dont want for it to get to hot or to cold. thank you.

Congrads. Here is a sexing guide:

The room should have a stable temperature range of 65 to 75 degrees F (18 to 24 degrees C). 85 degrees and over and your guinea pig is likely to die from heat stroke.

If the piggie is shedding a lot, he or she most likely has mites, especially if you got the pet from a pet store. If whoever sold you the pig cannot even tell you the sex, your pet could likely have parasites.

You can easily treat mites with ivermectin. Don't use any over the counter sprays or shampoos from the pet store. They can be toxic.

Please look over the care info here and

They do best in pairs, so you can adopt another gp from a shelter or rescue once you figure out the sex.