Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > is my guinea-pig

is my guinea-pig

21 14:18:25

my female g-pig was in with 3 males for a day (on purpose) but i dont know if she is pregnant or not. shes definitely bigger but she is 6 months so i dont know if she is just simply growing. she acts as normal but she hates her belly being touched and starts squeaking and thumps her back legs down and hop side to side. she didn't use to so i was just wondering!
p.s she would be a month and 3 or 4 day pregey.

          g-pig lover

g-pig lover,

Good news, your girl is pregnant. The not allowing you to touch her belly means that she is pregnant and doesn't want you to hurt her babies. You should be able to see the babies move here soon.

 Good Luck to you,
           Take Care,