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Help my ANTY!!

21 14:25:11

My guinea pig ant is having problems pooing. he can do it most times but sometimes it all clumps together into a ball and looks really painful. Whats wrong with him because his brother Dec is seems perfectly healthy?

Hi Jodie,

    This sounds like a bad case of impaction, which can occur often in male guinea pigs - although it could be constipation.  If constipation is the case, all that you need to do is feed him a few large leaves of lettuce every day to loosen up his stools because constipation is for the most part due to a lack of moisture and fluids in his system.

    On the other hand, Impaction occurs when there is a fecal blockage in males so it is made very difficult for them to poop and they do not receive the  nutrients they would under normal circumstances, because the specific feces that  they occasionally eat are trapped inside of them.  All information on impaction can be found at the
following site:

    Thank you for your question, I hope I was of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pig (=

                                                - Nicole