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Guinea pig has milky eye and crust

21 13:51:38

Help me!!!  I have two guinea pigs, just over a year old. One of them has A SINGLE milky eye, and some crust around the same eye. Otherwise, they both seem fine, eating and playing just normal.


Eye milk
Hello Janna,
I have a definition of the milky eye and the crusty eye here for you:
Eye Discharge
Normal Cavies excrete a milky white liquid which lubricates their eyes and is used to help them clean their faces. After the eye fills up with the white fluid, the cavy will then take their front paws and make washing motions. This may happen several times per day although you may never even notice. VC Richardson describes a "milky ocular discharge" as "a normal fluid which is released from the eye as part of the grooming process."

Abnormal These signs warrant an examination by an experienced veterinarian.

    Crusty eyes
    Watery eyes
    Cloudy eyes
    Receding eyes
    Protruding eyes
    Ulcerated eyes

What these signs may mean:

    Upper Respiratory Infection
    Tooth Problem

What it most likely sound like is an injury, from a fight or a fall or just a piece of Hay in the eye. I suggest A warm cloth with a little bit of salt or polysporin eye drops (safe for pigs).
The link to the site I got this from is: