Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Housing near a radiator

Housing near a radiator

21 14:38:42

I have previously reared three quinea pigs (one store bought, the other two raised from birth). The hutch was in our garden shed and was fully kitted out with a very adequate heating system. However I am now considering getting two more piggies but would like to keep them indoors. Where I am thinking of keeping them is close to a radiator and I am worried that it might not be ideal for them ie. get too hot for them. What would be your advice?

Michelle -

I wouldn't recommend keeping your animals near a radiator because of the temperature fluctuations and heat.  While guinea pigs are a semi-tropical animal, they really weren't designed for constant heat.  Also, if the radiator works like most I've seen, it cycles on and off - and these temperature fluctuations would not be healthy for a guinea pig.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck!
